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Main Title Nancy Caroline's emergency care in the streets /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Aehlert, Barbara,
Elling, Bob,
CORP Author American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,
Publisher Jones & Bartlett Learning,
Year Published 2018
OCLC Number 988025982
ISBN 9781284457025; 1284457028; 9781284457278; 1284457273; 9781284137170; 1284137171; 9781284137187; 128413718X; 9781284137286; 1284137287
Subjects Medical emergencies ; Emergency medical technicians ; Emergency medical services ; Emergency Treatment ; emergency medical centers
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  RC86.7.A44 2018 v.2 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 07/18/2024
Edition Eighth edition.
Collation 2 volumes (xxviii, 2528 pages, 162 variously numbered pages) ; 29 cm
Notes Preceded by Nancy Caroline's emergency care in the streets. 7th ed. 2013. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes "Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Eighth Edition, is a fully updated, two-volume edition that covers every competency statement of the National EMS Education Standards for paramedics with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking"--Provided by publisher. Volume I -- section1. Preparatory -- 1. EMS systems -- 2. Workforce safety and wellness -- 3. Public health -- 4. Medical, legal, and ethical issues -- 5. Communications -- 6. Documentation -- 7. Medical terminology -- section 2. The human body and human systems -- 8. Anatomy and physiology -- 9. Pathophysiology -- 10. Life span development -- section 3. Patient assessment -- 11. Patient assessment -- 12. Critical thinking and clinical decision making -- section 4. Pharmacology -- 13. Principles of pharmacology -- 14. Medication administration -- section 5. Airway management -- 15. Airway management -- section 6. Medical -- 16. Respiratory emergencies -- 17. Cardiovascular emergencies -- 18. Neurologic emergencies -- 19. Diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat -- 20. Abdominal and gastrointestinal emergencies -- 21. Genitourinary and renal emergencies -- 22. Gynecologic emergencies -- 23. Endocrine emergencies -- 24. Hematologic emergencies -- 25. Immunologic emergencies -- 26. Infectious diseases -- 27. Toxicology -- 28. Psychiatric emergencies -- Appendix -- Glossary -- Index -- volume II -- section 7. Trauma -- 29. Trauma systems and mechanism of injury -- 30. Bleeding -- 31. Soft-tissue trauma -- 32. Burns -- 33. Face and neck trauma -- 34. Head and spine trauma -- 35. Chest trauma -- 36. Abdominal and genitourinary trauma -- 37. Orthopaedic trauma -- 38. Environmental emergencies -- section 8. Shock and resuscitation -- 39. Responding to the field code -- 40. Management and resuscitation of the critical patient -- section 9. Special patient populations -- 41. Obstetrics -- 42. Neonatal care -- 43. Pediatric emergencies -- 44. Geriatric emergencies -- 45. Patients with special challenges -- section 10. Operations -- 46. Transport operations -- 47. Incident management and mass-casualty incidents -- 48. Vehicle extrication and special rescue -- 49. Hazardous materials -- 50. Terrorism response -- 51. Disaster response -- 52. Crime scene awareness -- section 11. Career development -- 53. Career Development -- Glossary -- Index.
Place Published Burlington, MA
Alternate Title Emergency care in the streets
PUB Date Free Form 2018
BIB Level m
Medium unmediated
Content text
Carrier volume
Cataloging Source RDA
LCCN 2017024835
Merged OCLC records 1002289393; 1002295649
OCLC Time Stamp 20240628213014
Language eng
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 05070cam 2200697 i 45010