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Main Title Guidance for Safety Testing of Baculoviruses.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D. C.
Year Published 1975
Stock Number PB-280 566; PB-280 565
Additional Subjects Viruses ; Insect control ; Pest control ; Microorganisms ; Tests ; Safety ; Dosage ; Exposures ; Experimental design ; Birds ; Plants(Botany) ; Fishes ; Humans ; Monitoring ; Skin(Anatomy) ; Respiratory system ; Respiration ; Reprints ; Baculovirus ; DNA viruses ; Insect viruses ; Biological pest control ; Biological insect control ; Pathogens ; Pathogenesis
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-280 566 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 6p
Abstract The following guidance summarizes the data presently required by the Agency to show the safety of nuclear polyhedrosis and granulosis virus insecticides. (These two groups of insect viruses in the following are referred to as 'virus' or 'insect virus.') When testing the safety of insect viruses, primary emphasis must be given to their pathogenicity and not to their toxicity. Pathogenicity is the capability of the microorganism to infect or reproduce, or to cause overt or covert changes, in animals or animal tissue other than target insects. Toxicity means that microorganisms, and/or their by-products, harm the test animal without actual multiplication such as in certain adverse immunological reactions.
Notes Included in PB-280 565, Journal articles on toxicology. Group 12.
Supplementary Notes Pub. in Baculoviruses for Insect Pest Control: Safety Considerations, 1975.
Availability Notes Included in the report, Journal Articles on Toxicology, Group 12, PB-280 565.
Alternate Title Journal articles on toxicology. Group 12.
Title Annotations Reprint: Guidance for Safety Testing of Baculoviruses.
PUB Date Free Form Aug 75
Category Codes 6K; 57M; 57P
NTIS Prices (Order as PB-280 565, MF A01)
Primary Description 500/01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 323740341
Origin NTIS
Type CAT