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Main Title Air Pollution Control Technology and Costs in Nine Selected Areas.
Author Hardiso, L. C. ; Greathous, Carroll A. ;
CORP Author Industrial Gas Cleaning Inst., Inc., Stamford, Conn.
Year Published 1972
Report Number EPA-68-02-0301; 1555;
Stock Number PB-222 746
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Industries) ; ( Air pollution control equipment ; Cost estimates) ; Iron and steel industry ; Cleaning ; Coal preparation ; Paper industry ; Steel making ; Smelting ; Petroleum refining ; Brick industry ; Kraft paper ; Copper ; Food industry ; Bark ; Boilers ; Ferroalloys ; Asphalt plants ; Electric furnaces ; Basic converters ; Oxygen blown converters ; Electrostatic precipitators ; Incinerators ; Adsorbents ; Cyclone separators ; Scrubbers ; Expenses ; Industrial plants ; Rendering plants ; Copper industry
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-222 746 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 614p
Abstract The report presents a collection of formalized information on air pollution control for sixteen processes in these nine industrial areas: (1) Rendering; (2) Asphalt batching; (3) Petroleum refining; (4) BOF steelmaking; (5) Coal cleaning; (6) Brick and tile kilns; (7) Primary copper smelting; (8) Kraft pulp industry bark boilers; (9) Ferroalloy furnaces. This report includes a completed narrative description of each area, describing the processes and air pollution abatement methods in use. In addition, specifications for abatement equipment have been written for large and small processes, and for two levels of air pollution control. The capital and operating cost data prepared for each process were summarized and average costs are included in this report. In addition, correlations were made between process size, gas flow and abatement cost, where meaningful relationships appeared to exist.
Highlights Notes Discusses specifications and estimates costs of control equipment for various industrial processes.
NTIS Title Notes Final rept..
PUB Date Free Form 30 Sep 72,
Category Codes 13B; 13H; 68A#; 69I
NTIS Prices PC A99/MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326565523
Origin NTIS
Type CAT