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Main Title Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Alaska. Volume I. Control Strategy.
CORP Author TRW Systems, Redondo Beach, Calif.
Year Published 1971
Report Number 18425.007; DI-68-02-0048; 0926;
Stock Number PB-207 700
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Alaska) ; ( Government poliicies ; Air pollution) ; Regulations ; Planning ; State government ; Abatement ; Sulfur oxides ; Particles ; Carbon monoxide ; Nitrogen oxides ; Oxidizers ; Hydrocarbons ; Combustion products ; Industrial wastes ; Transportation ; Fuels ; Strategy ; Sources ; Inventories ; Standards ; Ice fog ; Implementation Air Pollution Planning Program ; Air quality data ; Air pollution standards ; Air pollution abatement
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-207 700 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 102p
Abstract The report presents a control strategy designed to achieve and maintain air quality in Alaska that is within the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The control strategy consists of a set of control measures and procedures to be carried out and enforced by the State and Regional Air Quality Control Agencies. The document presents a technical summary of the Strategy. Section 1 presents an executive summary of the Strategy. It describes briefly the air quality problem in Alaska, it discusses the background for the problem solution and presents the control strategy. The subsequent four sections treat details of control Strategies for each of the four Alaska Air Quality Control Regions. These sections present, for each region, the region description, the existing regional air quality, the sources of pollutants, the proposed control strategy and finally the economic aspects of the control Strategy. (Author)
PUB Date Free Form Dec 71,
Category Codes 13B; 68A
NTIS Prices PC A06/MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326527209
Origin NTIS
Type CAT