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Main Title Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Thermoregulatory Model of a Squirrel Monkey.
Author Spiegel, R. J. ; Fatmi, M. B. E. ;
CORP Author Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC. ;Northrop Services, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Year Published 1986
Report Number EPA/600/J-86/173;
Stock Number PB87-115341
Additional Subjects Thermoregulation ; Laboratory animals ; Monkeys ; Heat flow ; Reprints ; Animal models
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB87-115341 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
Abstract A three-dimensional thermoregulatory model of a squirrel monkey, whose shape is approximated by 742 rectangular blocks of varying sizes, has been developed. The inhomogeneous model has four layers: a core, a composite layer of muscle and fat, skin, and fur. The model simulates the flow of heat into and out of the body, including internal heat generation (metabolism) by the body, cooling and distribution of heat by blood, thermal conduction throughout the body, evaporative heat loss from sweating, and radiation and convection from the outer surface of the body. It also simulates dynamic thermoregulatory behavior such as peripheral vasomotor responses (skin vasodilation and vasoconstriction) and variable sweating rates. Computed results are compared with available experimental data; the agreement is good, especially for ambient temperatures above 26 C.
Supplementary Notes Pub. in International Jnl. of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics 12, n6 p983-992 Jun 86. Prepared in cooperation with Northrop Services, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC.
NTIS Title Notes Journal article.
Title Annotations Reprint: Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Thermoregulatory Model of a Squirrel Monkey.
PUB Date Free Form c1986
Category Codes 57S
NTIS Prices PC A02/MF A01
Primary Description 600/11
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 703715470
Origin NTIS
Type CAT