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Main Title Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure: Municipal Handbook. Incentive Mechanisms.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office.
Year Published 2009
Report Number EPA-833-F-09-001
Stock Number PB2010-100421
Additional Subjects Stormwater management ; Municipalities ; Municipal handbooks ; Incentive mechanisms ; Local officials ; Implementation ; Case studies ; Communities ; Local governments ; Wet weather management ; Green infrastructure
Internet Access
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NTIS  PB2010-100421 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 35p
Abstract Incentives are a creative tool local governments can use to encourage the use of green infrastructure practices on private property. Incentive mechanisms allow municipalities to act beyond the confines of their regulatory authorities to improve wet weather management on properties that may not fall under updated stormwater requirements or other state and municipal policies, codes and ordinances. These incentives can be applied to both new developments and existing developments. For new development projects, incentives can be incorporated into the development processes, such as building permits and stormwater permits or other development codes and requirements, to creatively encourage green infrastructure. In already developed areas, incentives can be designed to encourage private property owners to retrofit their properties to include green infrastructure practices where they do not already exist. Examples of local incentive mechanisms can include stormwater fee discounts, expedited permitting, grants, rebate and installation financing, and awards and recognition.
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PUB Date Free Form Jun 2009
Category Codes 48G; 68D; 91A; 43F
NTIS Prices PC A04/MF A04
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 100700020
Origin NTIS
Type CAT