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Main Title Effects of Thermal Discharges upon the Chena River.
Author Armstron, W. C. ;
CORP Author Alaska Univ., College. Inst. of Water Resources.
Year Published 1973
Report Number OWRR-B-020-Alaska; B-020-Alaska(2),; 14864
Stock Number PB-224 015
Additional Subjects ( Water pollution ; Heat) ; ( Chena River ; Water pollution) ; Ice ; Alaska ; Cooling water ; Aquatic biology ; Ice fog ; Thermal diffusion ; Electric power plants ; Heat transfer ; Sediments ; Sampling ; Temperature ; Heat exchangers ; Computer programs ; Thermal pollution ; Fairbanks(Alaska)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-224 015 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 146p
Abstract The evaluation of several thermal discharges in Fairbanks, Alaska was carried out to determine their effects on the physical parameters of the Chena River, a typical sub-Arctic stream. In addition, the effectiveness of two discharge schemes at the main thermal source was compared. The use of a surface-spreading scheme at either source would result in a heat dissipation rate per unit area 2 to 10 times greater than use of a submerged jet. The amount of ice cover downstream from the discharges would be approximately 40% more using the submerged jet. The advantages of each discharge method are discussed and two alternative cooling methods are suggested.
NTIS Title Notes Master's thesis.
PUB Date Free Form Apr 73,
Category Codes 8H; 13B; 68D; 64H; 48B
NTIS Prices PC E06/MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326567442
Origin NTIS
Type CAT