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Main Title Conceptual Site Model Technical Memorandum: Ely Copper Mine Superfund Site, Vershire, Vermont. Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Boston, MA. Region I.
Year Published 2009
Stock Number PB2016-104521
Additional Subjects Superfund site ; Copper mines ; Environmental data ; Mining industry ; Remedial action ; Human health ; Risk assessment ; Site conditions ; Contaminants ; Exposure pathways ; Environmental effects ; Geology ; Hydrology ; Investigations ; Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) ; Ely Copper Mine Superfund Site
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2016-104521 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 135p
Abstract The goal of the RI/FS is to develop the minimum amount of data necessary to support the selection of a remedy that eliminates, reduces, or controls risks to human health and the environment and can be used to prepare a well-supported Record of Decision (ROD). The objectives of this Technical Memorandum are to: Summarize the Site background information including setting and history; Present a Preliminary Conceptual Site Model that summarizes the current understanding of Site conditions, and describes fluxes and reservoirs of contaminants at and from the Site, including a conceptual exposure pathway analysis prepared in accordance with EPA Region 1 guidelines; Identify existing data gaps that must be addressed to complete the RI/FS; and Propose remedial investigation activities that would be performed to complete the RI/FS.
PUB Date Free Form Jul 2009
Category Codes 48A | Mineral Industries; 39K | Mining & Mineral Industries; 68 | Environmental Pollution & Control; 48F | Geology & Geophysics; 57U | Public Health & Industrial Medicine; 97R | Environmental Studies
Document Type NT
Medium PC | AC
Cataloging Source EPAEHA
Origin NTIS
Type CAT