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Main Title Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants : volume 4. Appendices C and E /
Author Santhanam, C. D. ; Bodek, I. ; Schroeder, G. ; Balasco, A. A.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Santhanam, Chakra J.
CORP Author Little (Arthur D.), Inc., Cambridge, MA. ;Bowser-Morner Testing Labs., Inc., Dayton, OH. ;Haley and Aldrich, Inc., Cambridge, MA. ;Geologic Associates, Inc., Knoxville, TN.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory,
Year Published 1985
Report Number EPA/600/7-85/028D; EPA-68-02-3167
Stock Number PB85-228088
Subjects Electric power-plants--Waste disposal--Environmental aspects ; Flue gases--Desulfurization ; Coal ash ; Flue gases--Desulphurization
Additional Subjects Solid waste disposal ; Air pollution control ; Fly ash ; Water quality ; Environmental impacts ; Combustion products ; Industrial wastes ; Electric power plants ; Field tests ; Licenses ; Earth fills ; Lagoons(Ponds) ; Leaching ; Water pollution ; Ground water ; Sites ; State government ; Cost analysis ; Coal fired power plants ; Flue gas desulfurization ; Path of pollutants ; Environmental effects
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB85-228088 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 564 pages : illustrations, 1 map ; 28 cm
Abstract The six-volume report summarizes results of a 3-year study of current coal ash and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) waste disposal practices at coal-fired electric generating plants. The study involved characterization of wastes, environmental data gathering, evaluation of environmental effects, and engineering/cost evaluations of disposal practices at six sites around the country. Study results provide technical background data and information for EPA, state and local permitting officials, and the utility industry for implementing environmentally sound disposal practices. Study data suggest that no environmental effects have occurred at any of the six sites; i.e., data from wells downgradient of the disposal sites indicate that waste leachate has resulted in concentrations of chemicals less than the EPA primary drinking water standards. A generic environmental evaluation--based on a matrix of four waste types, three disposal methods, and five environmental settings--shows that, on balance, technology exists for environmentally sound disposal of coal ash and FGD wastes for ponding, interim ponding/landfilling, and landfilling. For some combinations of waste types, disposal methods, and environmental settings, mitigation methods must be taken to avoid adverse environmental effects. Costs of waste disposal operations are highly system and site specific.
Notes "Volume 4 of 6." Caption title. "June 1985." "EPA/600/7-85/028D." Microfiche.
Place Published Research Triangle Park, NC :
Supplementary Notes See also Volume 3, PB85-228070, and Volume 5, PB85-228096. Prepared in cooperation with Bowser-Morner Testing Labs., Inc., Dayton, OH., Haley and Aldrich, Inc., Cambridge, MA., and Geologic Associates, Inc., Knoxville, TN.
Availability Notes Also available in set of 6 reports PC E99, PB85-228047.
Corporate Au Added Ent Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory. ; Arthur D. Litle, Inc., (Cambridge, MA).
PUB Date Free Form 1985.
NTIS Prices PC A24/MF A01
BIB Level m
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
OCLC Time Stamp 20011217171351
Language eng
Origin NTIS
OCLC Rec Leader 01296nam 2200313Ka 45020