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Main Title Twenty-eight Day Dermal Toxicity Study of API 83-15 in the Rabbit with Cover Letter dated 02/12/86. Draft Final Report.
CORP Author American Petroleum Inst., Washington, DC.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Toxic Substances.
Publisher Feb 1986
Year Published 1986
Report Number FYI-AX-0286-0431;
Stock Number OTS-0000431-4
Additional Subjects Rabbits ; Chemicals ; Environmental health ; Public health ; Mortality ; Body weight ; Clinical pathology ; Organ weight ; Dermal toxicity ; API 83-15 ; 83-20 ; API 83-12 ; 83-19 ; Dermal irritation ; Gross pathology ; Microscopic pathology ; Hydrotreated heavy napthenic distillate ; Light catalytically cracked naphtha ; Hydrotreated light natphenic distillate ; Light alkylate naphtha
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  OTS-0000431-4 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 365p
Abstract In accordance with API's policy of providing the federal government with copies of research designed to determine whether any chemical substance or mixture manufactured, processed or distributed by API member companies may cause risk of injury to health or the environment, we are enclosing copies of the following reports: (Identification number FYI-AX-0885-0431.) 28-Day Dermal Toxicity Study in the Rabbit on API 83-15 (hydrotreated heavy naphthenic distillate; CAS No. 64742-52-5) and 83-20 (light catalytically cracked naphtha; CAS No. 54741-55-5). Draft final report from Tegeris Laboratories, Inc.; and (Identification number FYI-AX-0885-0431.) 28-Day Dermal Toxicity Study in the Rabbit on API 83-12 (hydrotreated light naphthenic distillate; CAS No. 64742-53-6) and 83-19 (light alkylate naphtha; CAS No. 64741-66-8). Final report from Tegeris Laboratories, Inc.
Supplementary Notes The quality of the documents listed in the Office of Toxic Substances database may not meet usual NTIS standards but are included to further the opportunity for the scientific and technical community to locate materials which may not be available elsewhere. The content is the responsibility of OTS. Prepared in cooperation with American Petroleum Inst., Washington, DC.
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Category Codes 57U; 68
NTIS Prices PC A17/MF$25.00
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Control Number 010001540
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