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Main Title Use of Systems Analysis in the Development of Water Resources Management Plans for New York State. Volume II. Appendixes.
Author Tedro, A. C. ; Li, C. S. ; Halto, D. B. ; Hine, R. A. ;
CORP Author New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Albany. Div. of Water Resources.
Year Published 1970
Report Number DI-14-01-001-1586; OWRR-C-1126(1586)(1); 08186,; C-1126(1586)(1)-Vol-2
Stock Number PB-199 540
Additional Subjects ( Water resources ; Systems Analysis) ; ( New York ; Water resources) ; Management ; Decision making ; River basins ; Hydrology ; Digital computers ; Mathematical models ; Computer programs ; Input output routines ; Flood routing ; Flow charting ; Oswego River Basin
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-199 540 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 154p
Abstract Six appendixes were presented as a supplement to the study on the use of systems analysis in the development of water resources management plans for New York State. Appendix A showed that the allocation problem of a multi-reservoir river system involves three decisions: the storage operation, the diversion operation, and the release operation yet only two are independent. A dynamic programming technique was applied to decompose the two-decision for the river system management model were described in Appendix B where the aim was to provide methods which stored information in an analytical form. The next appendix involved the development of the river system transition function employed in the management model to define and reduce the feasible ranges of the various systems operations. Appendix D presented flow charts and program listings for the River System Management Analysis and typical input and output data from the Oswego River Basin operations study. Appendix E was included to more fully explain the adaption of the Oswego Conservation Model to a high speed digital computer. (Author)
Supplementary Notes See also Volume 1, AD-199 539.
PUB Date Free Form 30 Jun 70,
Category Codes 13B; 5A; 60I; 52I
NTIS Prices PC A08 MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326518451
Origin NTIS
Type CAT