Main Title |
Remedial conventional measures for capturing, stabilizing, or removing kepone in Bailey Bay, Bailey Creek, Gravelly Run, and the James River, Virginia : appendix B, the EPA Kepone Mitigation Feasibility Project report / |
CORP Author |
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Norfolk District.; Army Engineer District, Norfolk, VA.; Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Criteria and Standards Div. |
Publisher |
[The Corps], |
Year Published |
1978 |
Report Number |
440578004B; EPA/440/5-78/004B |
Stock Number |
PB-286 086 |
OCLC Number |
17460580 |
Subjects |
Estuarine pollution--Control--Virginia--James River ;
Chlordecone ;
Kepone ;
Bailey Creek (Va) ;
James River (Va)
Additional Subjects |
Water pollution control ;
Pesticides ;
Cost analysis ;
Substitutes ;
Hydrology ;
Utilization ;
Chlorine organic compounds ;
Bailey Bay ;
Bailey Creek ;
Gravelly Run ;
Sites ;
Dredging ;
Assessments ;
James River ;
Virginia ;
Environmental impacts ;
Sediments ;
Kepone ;
Dredge spoil
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
TD225.J1R252 |
Appendix B |
Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA |
03/08/1991 |
VA 00212 |
Env Science Center Library/Ft Meade,MD |
03/14/1997 |
EPA 440/5-78-004B |
CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL |
05/01/2018 |
PB-286 086 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
352 unnumbered pages in various pagings (3 folded), [92] plates in various foliations (48 folded) : illustrations ; 28 cm |
Abstract |
This report is Appendix B of the EPA report 'Mitigation Feasibility for the Kepone-contaminated Hopewell/Jame River Areas'. The work reported in this appendix was conducted by the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers for the EPA Kepone Mitigation Feasibility Project. The appendix includes a description of: (1) analysis of world-wide dredging techniques, site surveys, and assessment of the most promising dredging techniques for removal of contaminated sediments from specific sites; (2) engineering studies to contain, stabilize or remove Kepone-contaminated sediments at points of inflow into the James River, together with an assessment of their effectiveness and potential environmental impacts; and (3) evaluation of the engineering requirements for removal of Kepone-contaminated sediments from the James River and assessment of dredge spoils sites. (Color illustrations reproduced in black and white) |
Notes |
Cover title. "June 1978." |
Place Published |
Norfolk, Va. |
Supplementary Notes |
See also PB-286 085 and PB-286 087. |
Availability Notes |
Also available in set of 4 reports PC E19, PB-286 083-SET. |
Corporate Au Added Ent |
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Kepone Mitigation Feasibility Project. |
Alternate Title |
EPA Kepone Mitigation Feasibility Project report, appendix B. |
PUB Date Free Form |
1978 |
Ti Tra Differently |
EPA Kepone Mitigation Feasibility Project report, appendix B. |
BIB Level |
m |
Medium |
unmediated |
Content |
text |
Carrier |
volume |
Cataloging Source |
OCLC Time Stamp |
20180426064717 |
Language |
eng |
Origin |
Type |
OCLC Rec Leader |
01937cam 2200385Ia 45010 |