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Main Title Activated Sludge Treatment of Chrome Tannery Wastes.
CORP Author Lawrence (A. C.) Leather Co., South Paris, Maine.
Year Published 1969
Report Number WP-Ord-5; WPRD-133-01-68; FWPCA-12120; 12120-09/69,; 00163
Stock Number PB-186 158
Additional Subjects ( Wastes(Industrial) ; Disposal) ; ( Water pollution ; Wastes(Industrial)) ; ( Tanning ; Wastes(Industrial)) ; Industries ; pH ; Water ; Design ; Pilot plants ; Sanitary engineering ; Calcium ; Sulfides ; Oxidation ; Toxicity ; Activated sludge process ; Sludge treatment
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-186 158 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 176p
Abstract A waste treatment process was developed and tested, in pilot plant scale, for the treatment of the tannery wastes in combination with municipal sewage. The process consisted of the following steps in the order employed; equalizing and mixing of the alkaline and acid wastes; primary sedimentation; carbonation followed by upflow sedimentation; addition of screened municipal sewage activated sludge treatment and secondary sedimentation of the mixed wastes; and chlorination. The sludges resulting from the treatment of the wastes and sewage were dewatered by centrifuge and were found to be suitable for burial. Design factors for the various steps of the process were developed and are presented in the attached report. Studies were made of the fundamental systems and reactions which form the bases for the processes employed in the pilot plant. (Author)
NTIS Title Notes Water pollution control research series.
PUB Date Free Form Sep 69,
Category Codes 13B; 903
NTIS Prices PC A09 MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326509983
Origin NTIS
Type CAT