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Main Title Chemical Weapons Convention chemicals analysis : sample collection, preparation, and analytical methods /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Mesilaakso, Markku.
Publisher Wiley,
Year Published 2005
OCLC Number 56438309
ISBN 0470847565; 9780470847565; 0470854251; 9780470854259
Subjects Chemical arms control--Verification ; Analytical chemistry ; chemical analysis ; Armes chimiques ; Analyse chimique ; Dsarmement ; Armamento ; Quimica analitica
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKBM  UA12.5.C475 2005 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 10/31/2022
Collation x, 462 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Notes Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes Introduction / Markku Mesilaakso -- Sampling and analysis in the Chemical Weapons Convention and the OPCW Mobile Laboratory / Stefan Mogl -- On-site analysis by the inspection team. Sampling, analysis, equipment, procedures and strategies / Sabine Krèuger -- The OPCW gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer for on-site analysis. Instrumentation, AMDIS software and preparations for use / Mieczyslaw Sokolowski -- Hazardous environment monitoring / George M. Murray, David Lawrence -- A comprehensive review of the official OPCW proficiency test / Jeanet Hendrikse -- The OPCW Central Analytical Database / Charles Nyanyira -- Analysis strategy for analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention in an off-site laboratory / Markku Mesilaakso -- Sample preparation for analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention in an off-site laboratory / Marja-Leena Kuitunen -- Gas chromatography in screening of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention / Olli Kostiainen -- Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention / Eric R.J. Wils -- Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry in analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention / R.M. Black, R.W. Read -- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention / Markku Mesilaakso, Andreas Niederhauser. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention / Martin T. Sèoderstrèom -- Capillary electrophoresis in analysis of chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention / Jeremy Melanson, Camille A. Boulet -- Methods for the retrospective detection of exposure to toxic scheduled chemicals. Part A: Analysis of free metabolites / R.M. Black, D. Noort -- Methods for retrospective detection of exposure to toxic scheduled chemicals. Part B: Mass spectrometric and immunochemical analysis of covalent adducts to proteins and DNA / Daan Noort, R.M. Black.
Place Published Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ
PUB Date Free Form 2005
BIB Level m
Medium unmediated
Content text
Carrier volume
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
LCCN 2004027309
OCLC Time Stamp 20221027213018
Language eng
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 04572cam 22005894a 45010