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Main Title Aerothene TT Solvent Toxicological Studies and Definition of Industrial Handling Hazards with Cover Letter.
CORP Author Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Toxic Substances.
Publisher 26 Aug 1969
Year Published 1969
Report Number 878210693;
Stock Number OTS-0206128
Additional Subjects Toxicity ; Chlorinated solvents ; Industrial handling hazards ; Toxicology ; Rats ; Laboratory animals ; Aerosol industry ; Hazardous materials ; Lethal dosage ; Definitions ; Skin irritation tests ; Aerothene ; Ethane/trichloro ; Acute oral toxicity ; CAS No 71-55-6
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  OTS-0206128 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 932p
Abstract A sample of Aerothene TT Solvent was submitted to the Biochemical Research Laboratory for toxicological studies and definition of industrial handling hazards. Aerothene TT Solvent is a specially inhibited grade of 1,1,1-trichloroethane used by the aerosol industry. The test material has a very low acute oral toxicity. The single dose oral LD50 for female rats is between 7.95 and 15.8 gm/kg body weight. The test material should present no problem from ingestion incidental to industrial handling. Instillation of the undiluted material in the eye of a rabbit caused moderate pain, slight redness and swelling of the conjunctival membranes, and slight transient corneal injury. Washing of a similarly exposed eye for 2 minutes within 30 to 60 seconds after contact did it not lessen the response. Minimal eye protection is recommended for industrial handling whenever the likelihood of eye contact exists. Skin irritation tests conducted on rabbits demonstrated that repeated and prolonged contact of the undiluted material with the inner surface of the rabbit ear resulted in no more than slight skin redness and slight exfoliation. A confined, prolonged contact with intact and abraded shaved belly skin of a rabbit caused slight redness and slight swelling. Subsequent exposures caused slight increase in the intensity of the skin redness and moderate exfoliation. Brief human skin exposure with Aerothene TT Solvent would not be likely to result in a skin response other than superficial defatting of the skin. Prolonged exposure could result in a light redness and, when confined to the skin by clothing, shoes or gloves, slight blistering may occur. Frequent and prolonged skin exposure would probably cause scaling of the skin. Skin exposure would not result in adverse effects due to absorption of the material through the skin. Aerothene is the registered trademark of The Dow Chemical Company for its specially inhibited grades of chlorinated solvents for the aerosol industry.
Supplementary Notes The quality of the documents listed in the Office of Toxic Substances database may not meet usual NTIS standards but are included to further the opportunity for the scientific and technical community to locate materials which may not be available elsewhere. The content is the responsibility of OTS. Prepared in cooperation with American Petroleum Inst., Washington, DC.
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Control Number 009400430
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