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Main Title Dinoflagellate Phagotrophy in the Upper Great Lakes.
Author Frey, Luanne C. ; Stoermer, Eugene F. ;
CORP Author Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Great Lakes Research Div.;Environmental Research Lab., Duluth, MN.
Year Published 1980
Report Number CONTRIB-269; EPA-R-806294; EPA-600/J-80-412;
Stock Number PB83-244145
Additional Subjects Dinoflagellata ; Ingestion(Biology) ; Nutrition ; Great Lakes ; Particle size ; Cells(Biology) ; Sands ; Photomicrographs ; Depth ; Mixing ; Correlation ; Distribution(Property) ; Stratification ; Reprints ; Phagotrophy ; Predator prey relationships
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB83-244145 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 9p
Abstract Phagotrophy is observed commonly in some dinoflagellate populations which occur in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Ingested cells include representatives of all major phytoplankton groups common in the area, and occasional cells of benthic populations. There appears to be little selection on the basis of either cell type or size. The size of cells ingested ranges from small microflagellates to large centric diatoms approaching the volume of the dinoflagellate. No correlation between depth in the water column or light availability and the abundance of phagotrophic populations is apparent. Phagotrophic populations appear to be distributed uniformly in the water column to depths as great as 180 meters under both mixing and stratified lake conditions.
Availability Notes Pub. in Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, v99 n4 p439-444 1980.
NTIS Title Notes Journal article.
Title Annotations Reprint: Dinoflagellate Phagotrophy in the Upper Great Lakes.
PUB Date Free Form c1980
Category Codes 6M; 8H; 57Y; 48G
NTIS Prices Not available NTIS
Primary Description 600/03
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 332922146
Origin NTIS
Type CAT