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Main Title Atmospheric Chemistry of Selected Sulfur-Containing Compounds. Outdoor Smog Chamber Study. Phase 2.
Author Sickles, II, J. E. ; Wright, R. S. ;
CORP Author Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC.;Environmental Sciences Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Year Published 1981
Report Number EPA-68-02-2969; EPA-600/7-81-002;
Stock Number PB81-141574
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Sulfur inorganic compounds ; Sulfur organic compounds ; Test chambers ; Ozone ; Smog ; Concentration(Composition) ; Industrial wastes ; Combustion products ; Tables(Data) ; Nitrogen oxides ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB81-141574 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 224p
Abstract The photochemical behavior of mixtures of selected sulfur containing species, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides was examined in outdoor smog chambers. Sulfur dioxide, H2S, CH3SH, COS, and thiophene are the sulfur species tested. A surrogate ambient hydrocarbon mixture comprised of 25 percent propene and 75 percent butane known as the EKMA mix was selected. An experimental matrix was designed where initial EKMA mix concentrations ranged from 0.0 to 2.0 ppmC, initial NOx concentrations ranged from 0.0 to 0.4 ppm, resulting in initial HC/NOx ratios of 0. to 40. The impact of the sulfur species on the behavior of the EKMA Mix-NOx system was examined by conducting experiments at various points on the matrix with and without 1 ppm of each sulfur species. A total of 172 single-chamber experiments was conducted over 43 test days. The experimental results were analyzed to determine the impact of each test sulfur species on the production of ozone, SO2 (where appropriate), and particulate sulfur. In selected cases, the influence of each test species on the average hydroxyl radical concentration was examined.
NTIS Title Notes Final rept. Jul 78-Mar 80.
PUB Date Free Form Jan 81
Category Codes 13B; 68A
NTIS Prices PC A10/MF A01
Primary Description 600/09
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 323790723
Origin NTIS
Type CAT