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Main Title Radionuclide Interactions with Soil and Rock Media. Volume 1: Processes Influencing Radionuclide Mobility and Retention, Element Chemistry and Geochemistry, Conclusions and Evaluation.
Author Ames, Lloyd L. ; Rai, Dhanpat ;
CORP Author Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA.;Office of Radiation Programs, Las Vegas, NV.
Year Published 1978
Report Number EPA-68-03-2514; EPA/520/6-78/007-A;
Stock Number PB-292 460
Additional Subjects Radioactive contaminants ; Radiochemistry ; Geochemistry ; Soil properties ; Rock properties ; Radioactive isotopes ; Antimony ; Iodine ; Neptunium ; Plutonium ; Technetium ; Uranium ; Cobalt ; Ruthenium ; Strontium ; Zirconium ; Americium ; Curium ; Cerium ; Cesium ; Europium ; Radium ; Promethium ; Thorium ; Tritium ; Reaction kinetics ; Radioactive wastes ; Concentration(Composition) ; Radionuclide migration ; Radioactive waste disposal ; Underground disposal
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-292 460 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 330p
Abstract The interactions of nineteen radionuclides with soil and rock media in the literature to 1977 were reviewed. The radionuclides were those of the elements americium, antimony, cerium, cesium, cobalt, curium, europium, iodine, neptunium, plutonium, promethium, radium, ruthenium, strontium, technetium, thorium, tritium, uranium and zirconium. The review included a brief summary of natural soil and rock distributions, chemistry, solid and solution equilibria and laboratory and field adsorption and migration results. It was concluded that most of the values for radionuclide-geologic media distribution coefficients in the literature were inadequate due to failure to include a comprehensive description of system conditions. Areas for future work suggested by the review included determination of adsorption mechanisms and kinetics, influence of redox potential on antimony, iodine, neptunium, plutonium, technetium and uranium migration potential, influence of organic ligands on radionuclide migration potential, thermodynamic data determinations of solid and solution species, generation of distribution coefficient data that can be used in a comparative mode and maintenance of the data in a bank with general access available.
Supplementary Notes See also Volume 2, Parts A and B, PB-292 461.
NTIS Title Notes Final rept..
PUB Date Free Form Aug 78
Category Codes 18H; 8D; 77G; 68F#; 48F#
NTIS Prices PC A15/MF A01
Primary Description 200/03
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 323758322
Origin NTIS
Type CAT