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Main Title Evaluating Cumulative Effects on Wetland Functions: A Conceptual Overview and Generic Framework.
Author Preston, E. M. ; Bedford, B. L. ;
CORP Author Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR. ;Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.
Publisher c1988
Year Published 1988
Report Number EPA/600/J-88/492;
Stock Number PB90-186248
Additional Subjects Research management ; Project planning ; Research programs ; Estimating ; Methodology ; Reprints ; Wetlands ; Environmental impacts ; Ecosystems
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB90-186248 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 21p
Abstract The paper attempts to lay the foundation for a research program to quantify the cumulative effects of perturbations on the functioning of interacting systems of wetlands. Conceptual and methodological issues that must be faced in developing a scientific appraisal are discussed. More specifically, the authors will: define the concepts in terms that permit scientific investigation; separate the scientific component from other aspects of the assessment process; present the critical scientific issues; and set up a hypothetical and generic structure for carrying out the appraisal. (Copyright (c) 1988 Springer-Verlag.)
Supplementary Notes Pub. in Environmental Management, v12 n5 p565-583 Sep 88. Prepared in cooperation with Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.
NTIS Title Notes Journal article.
Title Annotations Reprint: Evaluating Cumulative Effects on Wetland Functions: A Conceptual Overview and Generic Framework.
Category Codes 57H
NTIS Prices PC A03/MF A01
Primary Description 600/02
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 011722479
Origin NTIS
Type CAT