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Main Title Compendium of reported physical and chemical characterization data for petroleum and synthetic fuel products. {MICROFICHE direct coal liquefaction products /
Author Quinlivan, S. ; Panahloo, A. ; Ghassemi, M. ; Haro, M.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Quilivan, S.
CORP Author TRW Energy Systems Group, Redondo Beach, CA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances.
Publisher Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 1984
Report Number EPA-68-02-3174; EPA-560/4-84-001B
Stock Number PB84-186071
Subjects Synthetic fuels
Additional Subjects Petroleum products ; Coal liquids ; Chemical properties ; Physical properties ; Jet engine fuels ; Diesel fuels ; Chemical compounds ; Tables(Data) ; Distillation ; Air pollution ; Fuels ; Coal liquefaction ; Synthetic fuels ; Toxic substances
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB84-186071 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation viii, 266 p.
Abstract This compendium consolidates a large quantity of diverse data which have been generated and reported by numerous investigators over the past several decades. The products for which data have been compiled are: crude petroleum, raw and hydrotreated shale oil, raw and hydrotreated whole coal liquids and intermediates, and petroleum-, coal-, and shale-derived naphtha, jet and diesel fuels and other light fuel oils, heavy fuel oils, and residua. Coal liquids addressed are those from H-Coal, EDS, SRC-I and SRC-II direct coal liquefaction processes. Sixty-six individual properties relating to the following six characterization categories are covered: general physical and chemical properties, elemental composition data, hydrocarbon compound class properties, nitrogen-, oxygen-, and sulfur-containing compounds/compound class properties, properties of various distillation fractions, and properties of 'non-primary' products and their distillation fractions. Primarily, this effort has consisted of assembling data and has not included evaluation of data quality or the development of conclusions as to similarities and differences between a synfuel and its analogous petroleum product. Limitations of the data base are noted.
Notes "October 1982." "EPA-560/4-84-001B." EPA contract no. 68-02-3174. Work assignment no. 92 and 99 and work assignment no. 124, purchase order no. 19870. Microfiche.
Place Published Washington, D.C. :
Supplementary Notes See also Volume 1, PB84-186063.
Corporate Au Added Ent United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances.
PUB Date Free Form {1982}
Ti Tra Differently Petroleum and shale oil products.
NTIS Prices PC A99/MF A01
BIB Level m
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
OCLC Time Stamp 20011022173144
Language eng
Origin NTIS
OCLC Rec Leader 01251nam 2200277Ka 45020