Main Title |
Savings estimates for the ENERGY STAR (registered trademark) voluntary labeling program: 2001 status report. |
Author |
Webber, C. A. ;
Brown, R. E. ;
Mahajan, A. ;
Koomey, J. G. ;
CORP Author |
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. |
Publisher |
15 Feb 2002 |
Year Published |
2002 |
Report Number |
LBNL--48496; AC03-76SF00098; |
Stock Number |
DE2001-795957 |
Additional Subjects |
Electric appliances ;
Energy efficiency ;
Market ;
Cost estimation ;
Energy conservation ;
Space hvac systems ;
Lighting systems ;
Electronic equipment ;
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
DE2001-795957 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
28p |
Abstract |
ENERGY STAR(Registered Trademark) is a voluntary labeling program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products, buildings and practices. Operated jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), ENERGY STAR labels exist for more than thirty products, spanning office equipment, residential heating and cooling equipment, commercial and residential lighting, home electronics, and major appliances. This report presents savings estimates for a subset of ENERGY STAR program activities, focused primarily on labeled products. We present estimates of the energy, dollar and carbon savings achieved by the program in the year 2000, what we expect in 2001, and provide savings forecasts for two market penetration scenarios for the period 2001 to 2020. The target market penetration forecast represents our best estimate of future ENERGY STAR savings. It is based on realistic market penetration goals for each of the products. We also provide a forecast under the assumption of 100 percent market penetration; that is, we assume that all purchasers buy ENERGY STAR-compliant products instead of standard efficiency products throughout the analysis period. |
Availability Notes |
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Category Codes |
97J; 97B |
NTIS Prices |
PC A03/MF A01 |
Document Type |
NT |
Cataloging Source |
Control Number |
029500470 |
Origin |
Type |