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Main Title Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships: Diesel Engine Particulate Emission Reduction via Lube-Oil-Consumption Control.
Author Miller, T. C. ; Jackson, M. A. ; Brown, A. J. ; Wong, V. W. ;
CORP Author Coast Guard, Washington, DC. ;Department of the Navy, Washington, DC. ;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Publisher 2001
Year Published 2001
Stock Number PB2002-101413
Additional Subjects Lubricating oils ; Oil consumption ; Diesel engine exhaust emissions ; Air pollution ; Marine engines ; Single cyclinder engines ; Particle air pollutants ; Piston rings ; Oil rings ; Intake manifold pressure ; Shapes ; Tension ; Ships ; Boats ; Coastal waters ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2002-101413 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 14p
Abstract Strategies to alleviate particulate emissions from diesel engines on board vessels operating in coastal waters are being investigated. The approach is to determine the effectiveness of reducing engine lube-oil consumption as a means to reduce particulate pollutants. In this study, simultaneous lube-oil consumption and particulate emission data were collected on a single cylinder diesel engine for various speeds and loads using three piston-ring and intake-air pressure configurations. A sulfur dioxide-based measurement system was used to measure lube-oil consumption by tracking the sulfur from the lube-oil in the exhaust while using ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel. A scaled down version of a Constant Volume Sampling (CVS) system with a dilution tunnel was used to measure total particulate emission rate. Lube-oil contribution to particulate was determined using chromatography. The aggregate data show that an average of approximately 64% of the consumed lube-oil ends up as a significant portion of the total particulate. This percentage is lowest at the medium-load conditions at which moderately high exhaust temperatures and lean air-fuel ratios provide an environment suitable for the partial or complete oxidation of the consumed lube-oil. Significant reductions in particulate emission rate could be obtained by controlling engine lube-oil consumption. This can be effected by changes in piston-ring designs (tension and shape, for example) or by manipulating engine operating conditions, such as intake air-pressure, and possibly via other lubrication-system related variables. Replacement of piston rings with low-lube-oil-consumption designs, for example, could be an option with existing engines.
Supplementary Notes Prepared in cooperation with Department of the Navy, Washington, DC. and Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
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Category Codes 68A; 85A; 81J
NTIS Prices PC A03/MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 028400920
Origin NTIS
Type CAT