Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Air Pollution Technical Information Center (APTIC). Bibliographic Data File.
Author Halpin, Peter ; Knight., John E. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Manpower and Technical Information Branch.
Year Published 1977
Report Number EPA/DF-77/003;
Stock Number PB-266 904
Additional Subjects Data file ; Information systems ; Air pollution ; Information retrieval ; Magnetic tapes ; Bibliographies ; Information centers ; Documents ; Periodicals ; Technology ; Air pollution abatement ; Air quality maintenance ; Air pollution standards
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-266 904 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation mag tape
The purpose of the Air Pollution Technical Information Center (APTIC) was to provide bibliographic control of the world's technical literature relating to air pollution, in accordance with a delegation from the Office of Science and Technology in January 1964. APTIC screened: 7,000 periodicals; government reports; patents; technical papers; preprints; dissertations; translations; proceedings; etc. Relevant information was selected, abstracted, indexed, and recorded on computer magnetic tape. A monthly abstract bulletin 'Air Pollution Abstracts' and several bibliographies (most available from NTIS) were published from this file. EPA makes the file accessible on an international on-line retrieval network (currently, under terms of an EPA contract, on the Lockheed system).