Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume III. The Susceptibility or Resistance to Gas and Smoke of Various Arboreal Species Grown Under Diverse Environmental Conditions in a Number of Industrial Regions of the Soviet Union.
Author Nuttonso, M. Y. ;
CORP Author American Inst. of Crop Ecology, Silver Spring, Md.
Year Published 1969
Report Number PHS-AP-00786-01; 0637;
Stock Number PB-198 063
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Plants(Botany)) ; ( USSR ; Air pollution) ; Industrial wastes ; Combustion products ; Exhaust gases ; Sulfur dioxide ; Nitrogen oxides ; Particles ; Pine trees ; Plant physiology ; Translations ; Air pollution effects(Plants)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-198 063 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 126p
;Contents: The effect of industrial gases and industrial smoke on various forest species; The influence of smoke and gas on the flowering and fruiting of some trees and shrubs; The effect of specific industrial gases on the growth of some tree species; Reaction of trees and shrubbery to air pollution in the forest-park belt of Moscow and measures for extending the lifespan of plants; Current conditions and scientific problems in studying the injurious effects of industrial pollutants on plants and in developing methods for controlling them in the Urals; The drainage of temporarily swamped soils in relation to pine plantings growing under conditions of industrial air pollution; The effect of industrial smokes and gases upon coniferous forests growing under conditions of increased humidity in the Moscow region (Podmoskov'E); Some peculiarities of the susceptibility of scotch pine sprouts to sulfur dioxide injury; Gas resistance of pine and birch; The effect of sulfur dioxide on woody plants under the environmental conditions prevailing in the Sverdlovsk region; Characteristics of photosynthesis and of some other processes in connection with smoke and gas resistance of trees and shrubs; Indicators of gas resistance of arboreal plants; The activity of certain enzymes and gas resistance of woody plants; Variation in the oxidizability of the cell content as one of the indicators of gas resistance in plants; and Effect of sulfur dioxide on the enzymatic activity of tree leaves.