Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Effect of Quality Factors on Water Based Recreation in Western Nevada.
Author Myle, George A. ;
CORP Author Nevada Univ., Reno. Desert Research Inst.
Year Published 1970
Report Number OWRR-A-015-NEV; A-015-NEV(1),; 01341
Stock Number PB-195 778
Additional Subjects ( Recreational facilities ; Nevada) ; ( Water resources ; Reviews) ; Water quality ; Economic analysis ; Questionnaires ; Population(Statistics) ; Attitudes ; Climatology ; Insects ; Vegetation ; Benefit cost analysis ; Correlation techniques ; Water based recreation ; Tourism ; Vistor attitudes
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-195 778 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 72p
The best decisions about increasing water-based recreation involve knowing how visitors regard the factors that affect site quality. A 1966 summer study of visitor attitudes toward site quality factors at four western Nevada lakes had the purposes of: (1) collecting physical data, including wind speed, cloud cover, air and water temperature, water odors and water coliform count of the sites; (2) correlating this data with visitors' attitudes; (3) counting the number of automobiles parked at recreation areas; (4) determining the amount of litter and trash at these sites; and (5) determining visitors' attitudes. The 25 major findings are summarized. (WRSIC abstract)