Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title A review of regional-scale air quality models for long distance dispersion modeling in the Four Corners area /
Author Nuber, John A. ; Bass, Arthur ; Mills, Michael T. ; Morris., Charles S. ;
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Nuber, John A.
CORP Author Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, Mass.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Energy, Minerals and Industry.;National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Meteorology Lab.
Publisher Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development ; Reproduced by National Technical Information Service,
Year Published 1978
Report Number EPA-600/7-78-066; NOAA-03-6-02-35254
Stock Number PB-285 627
OCLC Number 19492592
Subjects Air--Pollution--Four Corners Region ; Atmospheric diffusion--Mathematical models ; Four Corners Region--Air quality
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Atmospheric diffusion ; Mathematical models ; Reviews ; Atmospheric motion ; Transport properties ; Combustion products ; Electric power plants ; Stationary sources
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBD  EPA 600-7-78-066 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 01/08/2014
EKBD  EPA-600/7-78-066 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 02/22/2011
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 600-7-78-066 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ESAD  EPA 600-7-78-066 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 03/23/2010
NTIS  PB-285 627 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 77 p. ; 28 cm.
This document presents a review (ca. April 1977) of available air quality simulation models that are appropriate to long-range transport (e.g., 100-1000 km) of atmospheric pollutants. This review has been prepared as part of an effort to select, modify and apply long-range atmospheric transport and diffusion models suitable to the simulation of air quality impact associated with emissions from new energy resource development (power generation, coal gasification, oil shale processing) in the Four Corners Area of the Western United States. In this effort, primary emphasis has been placed upon the review of models that are already operational, and that are, in principle, currently available for use and adaptation outside the originating organization. A number of additional constraints were used to select models for review. These included the relative ease and costs of modification for use in the Four Corners Area, the computer implementation restrictions, the computational, and data and technical resources required for program utilization, the flexibility for multiple-scenario exercise to address both short-term and long-term ambient air quality issues. To facilitate the description and intercomparison of the various models, a 'model characteristics' outline form of presentation has been used.
EPA - 600/7-78-066; NOAA Contract 03-6-02-35254; PB-285 627. April 1978. Performing organization: Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, MA. C.1 : AC 545-79.