Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Health and Environmental Effects of Oil Shale Technology: A Workshop Summary and Panel Reports.
Author Brown, Richard ;
CORP Author MITRE Corp., McLean, VA. METREK Div.;Federal Interagency Committee on the Health and Environmental Effects of Energy Technologies, McLean, VA.
Year Published 1979
Report Number MTR-79W00136; DE-AC01-79EV10018; DOE/HEW/EPA-02;
Stock Number PB-297 096
Additional Subjects Oil shale ; Meetings ; Environmental impacts ; Water quality ; Fossil fuel deposits ; Ecology ; Environments ; Aquatic biology ; Research ; Requirements ; Air quality ; Environmental health ; Energy source development
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-297 096 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 267p
The report responds to President Carter's directive to identify health and environmental problems associated with advanced energy technologies. The report contains a presentation of the highlights of the issues and the detailed information requirements identified by panels of a workshop held in Denver, Colorado in April 1978 to address the health and environmental effects of oil shale technology. The purposes of this workshop were to: (1) assemble multidisciplines of biomedical and environmental scientists to address current developments in these technologies, (2) review and identify specific health and environmental issues and problems associated with their development and commercialization, and (3) consider research strategies required to address them and to identify requisite information needs for resolving uncertainties of assessing the relevant impacts of oil shale technologies. The six panels of the workshop were: health effects; air quality; water quantity, quality, and aquatic ecology; terrestrial effects; ambient measuring and monitoring; and source characterization. Panel reports containing specific information on environmental and health effects, information requirements, and detailed research statements are included in this report.