Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Superfund record of decision : USAF Robins Air Force Base, GA : first remedial action.
CORP Author United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response ; Reproduced by National Technical Information Service,
Year Published 1991
Report Number EPA/ROD-R04-91-085
Stock Number PB92-964002
OCLC Number 28685669
Subjects Hazardous waste sites--Georgia
Additional Subjects Hazardous materials ; Pollution control ; Waste disposal ; Sites ; Describing ; Industrial wastes ; Volume ; Soils ; Pesticides ; Solvents ; Military facilities ; Waste treatment ; National government ; Cost analysis ; State government ; Earth fills ; Lagoons(Ponds) ; Metals ; Pumping ; Ground water ; Superfund ; First Remedial Action ; Record of Decision ; Volatile organic compounds ; Houston County(Georgia) ; Vapor extraction
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA ROD-R04-91-085 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
NTIS  PB92-964002 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 58 pages
The 46.5-acre USAF Robins Air Force Base site is a logistics management and repair center for aircraft, missiles, and support systems in Warner Robins, Houston County, Georgia. The Zone 1 area, which includes a 45-acre inactive landfill and a 1.5-acre sludge lagoon is part of the 8,855-acre Robins Air Force Base. Types of wastes generated at the facility included electroplating wastes, organic solvents from cleaning operations, and pesticides, all of which were disposed of in the lagoon and landfill areas. The Record of Decision (ROD), which focuses on OU1, addresses the remediation of Landfill No. 4 and the sludge lagoon. The selected remedial action for the site includes treating 15,000 cubic yards of soil in the sludge lagoon using in-situ soil vapor extraction; removing volatile contaminants from the air using condensation, distillation, and carbon adsorption; controlling and treating landfill leachate; renovating the landfill cover; and treating the sludge lagoon to remove VOCs.
"06/25/91." "PB92-964002." "EPA/ROD-R04-91-085." "Office of Emergency and Remedial Response."