Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Physical Soil Mechanics [electronic resource] /
Author Gudehus, Gerd.
Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
Year Published 2011
Call Number TC1-1800
ISBN 9783540363545
Subjects Engineering ; Physical geography ; Engineering geology ; Hydraulic engineering
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Collation XIII, 840p. 1000 illus. online resource.
Due to license restrictions, this resource is available to EPA employees and authorized contractors only
Contents Notes
Prologue -- introduction -- simple psammoids -- simple peloids -- psammoids with reversals -- peloids with reversals -- pore fluid -- bridging gaps -- localization -- fabric -- boundary conditions -- one-dimensional evolutions -- plane-parallel evolutions without ssi -- plane-parallel evolutions with ssi -- axi-symmetric evolutions -- less symmetric evolutions -- critical phenomena -- epilogue -- references -- symbols and acronyms. Soil is matter in its own right. Its nature can be captured by means of monotonous, cyclic and strange attractors. Thus material properties are defined by the asymptotic response of sand- and clay-like samples to imposed deformations and stresses. This serves to validate and calibrate elastoplastic and hypoplastic relations with comparative plots. Extensions capture thermal and seismic activations, limitations occur due to localizations and skeleton decay.Attractors in the large characterize boundary value problems from model tests via geotechnical operations up to tectonic evolutions. Validations of hypoplastic calculations are shown with many examples, possible further applications are indicated in detail. This approach is energetically justified and limited by critical points where the otherwise legitimate continuity gets lost by localization and decay. You will be fascinated by the fourth element although or just as it is so manifold.