Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title ABEL Model: Evaluates Claims of Inability to Afford Penalities and Compliance Costs (Version 2.8) (for Microcomputers).
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Enforcement.
Publisher Sep 96
Year Published 1996
Stock Number PB96-503404
Additional Subjects Software ; Businesses ; Pollution control ; Models-simulation ; Cash flow ; Penalties ; Fines(Charges) ; Taxes ; Costs ; Standards compliance ; Pollution regulations ; Working capital ; Cost benefit analysis ; Expenses ; Violations ; Diskettes ; Ability to pay ; ABEL computer model ; Noncompliance ; Financial capacity
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB96-503404 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 1 diskette
The easy-to-use ABEL software evaluates for-profit company claims of inability to afford penalties, clean-up costs, or compliance costs. Violators raise the issue of inability to pay in most of EPA's enforcement actions regardless of whether there is any hard evidence supporting those claims. The program enables Federal, State and local enforcement professionals to quickly determine if there was any validity to those claims. ABEL is a tool that promotes quick settlements by performing screening analyses of defendants and potentially responsible parties (PRP's) to determine their financial capacity. If ABEL indicates the firm can afford the full penalty, compliance or clean-up costs, then EPA makes no adjustments for inability to pay. If it indicates that the firm cannot afford the full amount, it directs the enforcement personnel to review other financial reports before making any adjustments. After analyzing some basic financial ratios that reflect a company's solvency, ABEL assesses the firm's ability to pay by focusing on projected cash flows. The model explicitly calculates the value of projected, internally generated cash flows from historical tax information, and compares these cash flows to the proposed environmental expenditure(s). The software is extremely easy to use. Users are taken through a series of prompts to enter specified data. On screen 'help' information is available at any time.