Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Course 3. Model Curriculum for School Asbestos Management Planners (Training Manual).
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances.
Publisher Apr 92
Year Published 1992
Stock Number PB93-780872
Additional Subjects Asbestos ; School buildings ; Pollution abatement ; Management planning ; Education ; Training devices ; Curricula ; Construction materials ; Materials handling ; Regulations ; Recommendations ; Managers ; Risk assessment ; Health hazards ; Occupational safety and health ; Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB93-780872 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 1p
This 2-day course was developed in response to the requirements of the AHERA regulations and must be preceded by successful completion of the inspector's course. The course specifically prepares management planners to develop written plans for managing asbestos-containing materials in schools and for making recommendations to school officials for response actions. It examines methods for interpreting survey results, hazard assessment, evaluation and selecting control options, and assembling the management plan itself. The training course package contains a student notebook, instructor's course syllabus, 86 slides, 17 overhead transparencies, and a copy of the EPA 'Green Book' on operations and maintenance (O&M).