Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Analysis of Individual Hydrocarbon Species in Ambient Atmospheres: Techniques and Data Validity.
Author Westberg, H. H. ; Lonneman, W. A. ; Holdren, M. W. ;
CORP Author Environmental Sciences Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC. ;Washington State Univ., Pullman. Coll. of Engineering. ;Battelle Columbus Labs., OH.
Year Published 1983
Report Number EPA-600/D-83-074;
Stock Number PB83-225805
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Hydrocarbons ; Mathematical models ; Gas analysis ; Quality assurance ; Urban areas ; Rural areas ; Chemical analysis ; Gas chromatography ; Oxidizers ; Air pollution detection
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB83-225805 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 25p
During the summer of 1980, EPA sponsored a large field program which was designed to gather data for developing and testing a regional scale oxidant model. Individual hydrocarbons were measured over a 30 day period in Boston, New York, Washington, DC, Baltimore, and Columbus, Ohio. The widespread nature of the hydrocarbon sampling network necessitated the participation of three gc analyses groups: Washington State University (WSU); Battelle Columbus Laboratories; and the Gas Kinetics and Photochemistry Branch (GKPB) of the Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory. In order to ensure intercomparability of results, a hydrocarbon quality assurance program was utilized. Two methods for comparison were used; the periodic analysis of synthetic mixtures and the shared analysis of ambient air samples. This report presents the results of this quality assurance program.