Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Acid Rain Mitagation Study. Volume III: Industrial Boilers and Processes.
Author Ball, J. G. ; Muela, C. A. ; Meling, J. L. ;
CORP Author Radian Corp., Austin, TX.;Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Year Published 1982
Report Number RAD-81-203-001-12-24; EPA-68-02-3171; EPA-600/2-82-070C;
Stock Number PB83-101337
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Sulfur dioxide ; Boilers ; Industrial wastes ; Combustion products ; Air pollution control ; Cost analysis ; Capitalized costs ; Acid rain ; Flue gas desulfurization
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB83-101337 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 90p
The report gives results of a 4-month study of existing industrial sources of SO2 emissions in the Acid Rain Mitigation Study (ARMS) region, including all the states east of the Mississippi River, as well as MN, IA, MO, AR, LA, ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, and TX. Study aims were to: (1) identify and characterize existing industrial sources of SO2 emissions, (2) identify control techniques that can be used to reduce SO2 emissions from these sources, and (3) estimate the SO2 emission reductin potential and the associated costs in constant 1980 dollars based on application of these controls. Simplifying assumptions were made for the balance of the SO2 sources studied. In addition, since sites were not visited, the remaining useful lives of the sources were not determined, and average FGD unit retrofit factors were estimated. Recommendations concerning the use of study results are discussed.