Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Parkersburg, West Virginia - Marietta, Ohio, air pollution abatement activity : supplemental technical report.
CORP Author National Air Pollution Control Administration, Durham, N.C.
Publisher U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service, National Air Pollution Control Administration,
Year Published 1969
Report Number EPA-APTD-69-50
Stock Number PB-195 144
OCLC Number 24765783
Subjects Air--Pollution--West Virginia ; Air--Pollution--Ohio ; Air--Pollution--Ohio River Valley
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Regional planning) ; ( Industrial wastes ; Air pollution) ; ( Chemical industry ; Air pollution) ; Abatement ; Ohio ; West Virginia ; Topography ; River basins ; Sulfur dioxide ; Chlorine ; Particles ; Fluorides ; Odors ; Lachrymators ; Plants(Botany) ; Refuse disposal ; Atmospheric motion ; Combustion products ; Chemical industry ; Metal industry ; Parkersburg(West Virginia) ; Marietta(Ohio) ; Plant damage ; Eye irritants ; Air pollution detection
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKBD  EPA-APTD/69-50 c.1 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 07/17/2019
EKBD  EPA-APTD/69-50 c.2 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 07/17/2019
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA APTD-69-50 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
NTIS  PB-195 144 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation v, 71 pages : illustrations, maps ; 27 cm.
The report is based on an investigation of air pollution in the Parkersburg, West Virginia - Marietta, Ohio area for the period March 1967 to August 1969 and has been prepared as a supplement to the March 1967 technical report. Together these two reports are intended to assist the governmental agencies concerned with such air pollution in their consideration of the following: The occurrence of air pollution subject to abatement; The adequacy of measures taken toward abatement of pollution; The nature of the delay, if any, in abating pollution; and The necessary remedial action, if any. (Author)
"September 1969." Includes recommendations of 1967 abatement conference. Includes bibliographical references (pages 49-50).