Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Assessment of mathematical models for storm and combined sewer management /
Author Brandstetter, Albin.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Fan, Chi-Yuan.
CORP Author Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. Water and Land Resource Dept.;Municipal Environmental Research Lab., Edison, N.J. Storm and Combined Sewer Section.
Publisher Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ; Available from National Technical Information Service,
Year Published 1976
Report Number 68-03-0251; EPA 600-2-76-175a; EPA-68-03-0251
Stock Number PB-259597
OCLC Number 37363524
Subjects Storm sewers--Mathematical models ; Combined sewers--Mathematical models ; Esgotos sanitarios
Additional Subjects Combined sewers ; Storm sewers ; Urban areas ; Water pollution abatement ; Mathematical models ; Overflows ; Design ; Sanitary engineering ; Rainfall ; Hydrology ; Waste water ; Nonuniform flow ; Unsteady flow ; Water quality ; Evaluation ; Urban hydrology
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBD  EPA 600-2-76-175a Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 02/21/2019
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 600-2-76-175a Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ERAD  EPA 600/2-76-175 Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA 09/17/2012
ERAD  EPA 600/2-76-175a Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA 09/17/2012
ESAD  EPA 600-2-76-175a Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 08/14/2018
NTIS  PB-259 597 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xix, 510 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Mathematical models for the nonsteady simulation of urban runoff were evaluated to determine their suitability for the engineering assessment, planning, design and control of storm and combined sewerage systems. The models were evaluated on the basis of information published by the model builders and model users. Seven models were also tested by computer runs using both hypothetical and real catchment data. Most of the models evaluated include the nonsteady simulation of the rainfall-runoff process and flow routing in sewers.
"August 1976." "EPA 600-2-76-175a." Project officer: Chi-Yuan Fan. Includes bibliographical references (pages 362-376).