Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, 1990. Volume 1. Statewide Summary Report.
Author Burns, A. J. ;
CORP Author Illinois State Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield. Div. of Water Pollution Control.
Publisher Apr 91
Year Published 1991
Report Number IEPA/WPC/91-61A;
Stock Number PB91-210740
Additional Subjects Illinois ; Lakes ; Water pollution sampling ; Environmental monitoring ; Water quality data ; Environmental Protection Agency ; Volunteers ; State programs ; Depth ; Field tests ; Nutrients ; Suspended solids ; Transparence ; Tables(Data) ; Water quality management ; Eutrophication ; Citizen participation ; Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program ; Secchi disc transparency
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB91-210740 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 116p
A Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program initiated by the Illinois EPA in 1981 was continued in 1990. Citizens were trained to measure Secchi disc transparency, total depth, and record field observations from a boat at designated sites on their chosen lake. Readings were to be taken at least twice a month from May through October, and the results forwarded to the Agency. In addition, volunteers for 49 lakes collected water samples for analysis of nutrients and suspended solids when performing the Secchi monitoring. The report provides a historical perspective of the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and describes program objectives and rationale. Methods for volunteer training and data handling/analysis are described; 1990 program results presented and discussed; and trends analyzed.