Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Capital costs of arsenic removal technologies, U.S. EPA arsenic removal technology demonstration program, round 1 [electronic resource] /
Author Chen, A. S. C. ; Wang, L. ; Oxenham, J. L. ; Condit, W. E. ;
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Chen, Abraham S. C.,
CORP Author Battelle, Columbus, OH.;National Risk Management Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH. Water Supply and Water Resources Div.
Publisher United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory,
Year Published 2004
Report Number EPA/600/R-04/201
Stock Number PB2005-102046
Subjects Drinking water--Arsenic content--United States ; Drinking water--Purification--Technological innovations--United States ; Drinking water--Purification--United States--Finance
Additional Subjects Capitalized costs ; Demonstration programs ; US EPA ; Potable water ; Arsenic ; Decontamination ; Removal ; Ion exchange ; Filtration ; Coagulation ; Technology assessment ; Adsorption ; Project management ; Case studies ; Water treatment systems ; Drinking water ; Bow(New Hampshire) ; Rollinsford(New Hampshire) ; Queen Anne's County(Maryland) ; Brown City(Michigan) ; Climax(Minnesota) ; Lidgerwood(North Dakota) ; Desert Sands(New Mexico) ; Nambe Pueblo(New Mexico) ; Rimrock(Arizona) ; Valley Vista(Arizona) ; Fruitland(Idaho) ; STMGID(Nevada)
Internet Access
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NTIS  PB2005-102046 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 1 online resource (x, 44 p.) : ill., charts, digital, PDF file.
On January 18, 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic at 0.01 mg/L. EPA subsequently revised the rule text to express the MCL as 0.010 mg/L (10 mg/L). The final rule requires all community and non-transient, non-community water systems to comply with the new standard by February 2006. In October 2001, the EPA announced an initiative for additional research and development of cost-effective technologies to help small community water systems (<10,000 customers) meet the new arsenic standard, and to provide technical assistance to operators of small systems in order to reduce compliance costs. As part of this Arsenic Rule Implementation Research Program, EPAs Office of Research and Development (ORD) proposed a project to conduct a series of full-scale, long-term, on-site demonstrations of arsenic removal technologies, process modifications, and engineering approaches applicable to small systems in order to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of arsenic removal systems at meeting the new arsenic MCL. For the Round 1 demonstration study, the selected arsenic treatment technologies include nine adsorptive media systems, one ion exchange system, one coagulation/filtration system, and one process modification. The adsorptive media systems use four different adsorptive media, including three iron-based media, i.e., ADIs G2, Severn Trent and AdEdges E33, and USFilters GFH, and one iron-modified activated alumina media, i.e., Kineticos AAFS50 (a product of Alcan). Since the inception of the project, 10 of 12 systems have been installed, with flowrates at all systems ranging from 37 to 640 gpm. A key objective of the long-term demonstration project is to determine the cost-effectiveness of the technologies. This report provides a brief description of each of the 12 Round 1 demonstration sites and the respective technologies being evaluated.
Title from title screen (viewed Dec. 14, 2010). "December 2004." "EPA/600/R-04/201." Includes bibliographical references (p. 44).