Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Advances in Dense Gas Dispersion Modeling of Accidental Releases Over Rough Surfaces during Stable Conditions.
Author Briggs, G. A. ; Britter, R. E. ; Hanna, S. R. ; Havens, J. ; King, S. B. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. National Exposure Research Lab. ;Cambridge Univ. (England). ;Arkansas Univ., Fayetteville. ;University of Wyoming Research Corp., Laramie. Western Research Inst. ;Earth Tech., Concord, MA.
Publisher 1997
Year Published 1997
Report Number EPA/600/A-97/039; PERF-93-16;
Stock Number PB97-193767
Additional Subjects Air pollution dispersion ; Gaseous wastes ; Wind effects ; Terrain ; Plumes ; Atmospheric diffusion ; Atmospheric transport ; Surface roughness ; Ecological concentration ; Meteorological parameters ; Richardson number ; Wind tunnel tests ; Accidental releases
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NTIS  PB97-193767 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
A major, cooperative research project will be completed in 1997 from which an improved understanding will be gained about the dispersion of accidental, dense gas releases at industrial sites (i.e., high surface roughness) during low-wind stable meteorological conditions. As the wind tunnel experiments are now largely complete, an overview of these experiments is given. Also, some preliminary results from the completed neutral wind tunnel tests are provided, such as entrainment rate as a function of the plume Richardson number. The main field experiment known as 'Kit Fox' was completed during the summer of 1995. A description of these experiments as well as a summmary of the data collected are presented.