Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Rotated Principal Component Analysis of Total Column Ozone Obtained from TOMS for 1984-1989.
Author Eder, B. K. ; LeDuc, S. K. ;
CORP Author National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Research Triangle Park, NC. Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Div.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. National Exposure Research Lab.
Publisher 1996
Year Published 1996
Report Number EPA/600/A-96/073;
Stock Number PB97-122998
Additional Subjects Ozone depletion ; Principal component analysis ; Multivariate analysis ; Ozonometry ; Ozonosphere ; Spatial variations ; Temporal variations ; Statistical analysis ; Time series analysis ; TOMS(Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer)
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NTIS  PB97-122998 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 11p
The purpose of this analysis is to develop a better understanding of these natural variations across various spatial and temporal scales. This will be achieved through the application of a multivariate statistical technique called rotated Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the total column ozone data derived from Version 6.0 TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) for the period 1984 through 1989. The analysis sorts initially correlated data into a hierarchy of statistically independent modes of variation which explain successively less and less of the total variation; thereby summarizing the essential information of that set so that meaningful and descriptive conclusions can be achieved. Examination of the time series associated with each unique subregion based on spectral density analysis.