Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Impact of Non-Point Pollution Control on Western Lake Superior. Red Clay Project-Work Plan.
Author Andrews, Stephen C. ; Christensen, Ralph G. ; Wilson, Carl D. ; Houtman., Donald S. ;
CORP Author Douglas County Soil and Water Conservation District, Superior, Wis.;Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago, Ill. Region V.
Year Published 1976
Report Number EPA-G-005140-01; EPA/905/9-76/002;
Stock Number PB-255 293
Additional Subjects Water pollution abatement ; Sediments ; Soil erosion ; Lake Superior ; Project planning ; Water quality ; Clay soils ; Land use ; Sedimentation ; Banks(Waterways) ; Shores ; Inventories ; Roads ; Stream erosion ; Monitoring ; Soil surveys ; Legislation ; Hydraulic structures ; Soil conservation ; Wisconsin ; Minnesota ; Intergovernmental relationships ; Land management ; Nonstructural alternatives ; Water pollution sources
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NTIS  PB-255 293 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 188p
The goal of the Red Clay Area project is to initiate and implement an action program for soil erosion and sediment control in the Lake Superior Basin which will lead into a basin-wide program. Institutional arrangements and vehicles for intergovernmental cooperation between local governmental implementing authorities on an interstate basis will be established to solve the basin-wide red clay erosion and sediment problems. Various types of structural and non-structural treatment measures to control major sediment sources will be evaluated to determine quantity of sediment reduced per unit cost of treatment and the impact on water quality. New and innovative techniques for controlling or preventing sedimentation will be demonstrated.