Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study. Fish Tissue Baseline Study, 1989.
CORP Author North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Raleigh. Water Quality Section.
Publisher 1989
Year Published 1989
Report Number APES-91-05;
Stock Number PB95-104097
Additional Subjects Fishes ; Tissues(Biology) ; Estuaries ; Water pollution sampling ; Albemarle Sound ; Pamlico Sound ; Metals ; Pesticides ; Hydrocarbons ; Tissue distribution ; Coastal waters ; Chemical analysis ; Bioassay ; Tables(Data) ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB95-104097 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 127p
The report is a compilation of fish tissue data from 41 locations in the Albemarle Pamlico Esturaine Study area. It includes the results of 743 samples analyzed for metals and 98 samples analyzed for synthetic organic chemicals. A few general remarks are presented here: Only 6 of the 420 fish fillet samples (1.4%) analyzed for mercury contained concentrations at or above the FDA action level of 1.0 mg/kg. However, four of the six came from one site, Chowan River at Riddicksville. Further sampling for mercury at this site is recommended. High percentages (greater than 70%) of detectable lead concentrations were found in the whole fish samples from Kendricks, Bath, Pungo, and Pantego Creeks. Further sampling for lead at these sites is recommended.