Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Study of the New Orleans East Incinerator.
Author Hahn., Jeffrey L. ;
CORP Author Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Year Published 1970
Report Number TSR-01.38/9;
Stock Number PB-256 959
Additional Subjects Solid waste disposal ; Incinerators ; Air pollution ; Water pollution ; Management planning ; Performance tests ; Design ; Fly ash ; Flue dust ; Gas sampling ; Combustion ; Residues ; Instrumentation ; Industrial hygiene ; Cost analysis ; Enthalpy ; New Orleans(Louisiana)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-256 959 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 78p
The New Orleans East Incinerator has a design capacity of 400 tons per day, or 200 tons per day for each of its two identical reciprocating grate furnaces. It was designed for solid waste with a 5,000 Btu per lb heat content. During the study period, February 10 to 14, 1969, the burning rate of the unit studied, furnace No. 2, was 237 tons per day, or 18.5 percent above the design capacity. The average particulate emission rate for furnace No. 2 during the study period was 1.35 gr per scf (standard cubic foot) of dry flue gas corrected to 12 percent CO2. The incinerator process water discharged into the canal near the plant was approximately the same quality as the well water, the original source of the process water. The total ownership and operating costs for the calendar year 1968 were $442,156. This was the cost of incinerating an average of 160 tons per day, or $9.36 per ton. An industrial hygiene survey of the incinerator found that during the study period the dust concentration and noise levels were below maximum permissible levels and presented no health hazard. A bacteriological study of the incinerator provided a comparison of the organisms in the solid waste and the residue.