Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Synoptic Rainfall Data Analysis Program (SYNOP). Release No. 1.
Author Szumski, Daniel ; Bishop, Dolloff F. ; Eilers., Richard G. ;
CORP Author Municipal Environmental Research Lab., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wastewater Research Div.
Year Published 1976
Report Number EPA/600/9-76/014a; EPA/DF-77/002;
Stock Number PB-264 562
Additional Subjects Software ; Water quality ; Rainfall ; Storms ; Magnetic tapes ; Statistical analysis ; Computation ; Fortran ; Synop computer program
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-264 562 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation mag tape
An integral part of the assessment of storm loads on water quality is the statistical evaluation of rainfall records. Hourly rainfall records of many years duration are cumbersome and difficult to analyze. The purpose of this rainfall data analysis program is to provide the user with a tool for summarizing and statistically characterizing a rainfall record of interest using U.S. Weather Bureau magnetic tapes. Statistical analysis of variables of interest (volume, duration, intensity, and time between storms) are given to determine seasonal trends which are of importance in accessing impacts and selecting control alternatives for storm related loads. The program is written in the Fortran programming language for implementation on an IBM 1130 computer using the DMS, version 2 operating system. 32K bytes of core storage are required to operate the model.