Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title America's Great Outdoors: A Promise to Future Generations.
CORP Author Council on Environmental Quality, Washington, DC.; Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.; National Park Service, Washington, DC.; Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Year Published 2011
Stock Number PB2011-112526
Additional Subjects United States ; Natural resources management ; Recreation ; Convervation ; Urban parks ; Rural areas ; Wildlife refuges ; Forests ; Partnerships ; Federal lands ; Federal waters ; Federal government ; National parks
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2011-112526 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 173p
Contents: Connecting Americans to the Great Outdoors (1. Provide Quality Jobs, Career Pathways, and Service Opportunities, 2. Enhance Recreational Access and Opportunities, 3. Raise Awareness of the Value and Benefits of America's Great Outdoors, 4. Engage Young People in Conservation and the Great Outdoors); Conserving and Restoring America's Great Outdoors (5. Strengthen the Land and Water Conservation Fund, 6. Establish Great Urban Parks and Community Green Spaces, 7. Conserve Rural Working Farms, Ranches, and Forests Through Partnerships and Incentives, 8. Conserve and Restore Our National Parks Wildlife Refuges Forests and Other Federal Lands and Waters, 9. Protect and Renew Rivers and Other Waters); Working Together for America's Great Outdoors (10. Make the Federal Government a More Effective Conservation Partner); Youth and America's Great Outdoors; Appendices (A-What Went Into the Report, B-List of Acronyms, C-Summary of Federal Government Programs, D-Summary of Effective Partnerships and Programs, E-Presidential Memorandum on America's Great Outdoors).