Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Integrating the '3 Rs': Remediation, Restoration and Redevelopment. The Milltown Reservoir Sediments Site and Missoula County, Montana.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, CO. Region VIII.
Year Published 2011
Stock Number PB2011-113134
Additional Subjects Remedial action ; Restoration planning ; Economic redevelopment ; Reservoirs ; Montana ; Land revitalization ; Communities ; Rivers ; Waste management ; US EPA ; State agencies ; Superfund ; Milltown Reservoir Sediment ; Missoula County(Montana)
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NTIS  PB2011-113134 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 14p
This case study explores the key partnerships and effective tools that have led to the successful remediation, restoration and reuse of the Milltown Reservoir Sediments site. In particular, the case study examines how EPA and state agencies used outreach and coordination to support the site's remediation and restoration and how local communities leveraged partnerships and resources to help make the state park a reality. In the following pages, the case study discusses the evolution of remediation, restoration and redevelopment efforts at the site between local planning efforts and coordination with EPA and state agencies in the early 2000s and ongoing reuse activities in 2011. This case study is intended to provide relevant information and lessons learned for parties interested in Superfund site reuse, river restoration and recreational and ecological land revitalization.