Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Regulatory analysis supporting the general provisions for product noise labeling.
CORP Author United States. Office of Noise Abatement and Control.
Publisher Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement [and] Control,
Year Published 1979
Report Number EPA 550-9-79-255
Stock Number PB80-106933
OCLC Number 05387369
ISBN pbk.
Subjects Consumer protection--United States ; Noise control--United States ; Labels--Law and legislation--United States
Additional Subjects Regulations ; Noise(Sound) ; Economics ; Law inforcement ; Sound pressure ; Ratings ; Labels ; Marking ; Consumer affairs ; Information ; Requirements ; Consumer products ; Product labeling ; Consumer protection
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBD  EPA 550-9-79-255 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 12/26/2019
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 550-9-79-255 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ESAD  EPA 550-9-79-255 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 03/23/2010
NTIS  PB80-106933 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation vii, 636 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
The document presents information used by EPA in developing the General Provisions for Product Noise Labeling including: a review of other Federal labeling programs; the major issues involved in formulating a general approach to product noise labeling; the approach to the design graphics; potential technical problems associated with the development of specific noise rating schemes; the Agency's response to comments, and resolution of issues raised during the public comment period; an analysis of the public comment to understand the public perception of product noise labeling; and the participation of the public throughout the development of the regulation.
"EPA 550-9-79-255." "August 1979." Cover title.