Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Energy and mineral resources of Utah /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Allison, M. Lee.
Publisher Utah Geological Association,
Year Published 1991
OCLC Number 24876639
Subjects Minerals--Utah--Guidebooks ; Utah--Guidebooks ; Geology--Utah--Guidebooks ; Power resources--Utah ; Mines and mineral resources--Utah
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EOAM  QE169.A4 no.18 1990 Region 8 Technical Library/Denver,CO 09/14/2010
Collation 222 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm.
"1990 guidebook." Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Notes
Exploration highlights and activity in the Utah overthrust belt during the 1980s / Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr. -- Geothermal resource development in Utah / Phillip M. Wright, Robert E. Blackett, and Howard P. Ross -- Characteristics of acid-sulfate alteration in the Marysvale-Pioche mineral belt / Anne J.B. Thompson -- Metalliferous recent sediments? Mineralogical and historical approaches to the study of Utah mill tailings / Laurence P. James -- Occurrence and paragenesis of thallium sulfosalts and related sulfides at the Barrick Mercur gold mine, Utah / James R. Wilson and Paula N. Wilson -- Mineralization and geochemistry of the Escalante silver mine, Iron County, Utah / JoAnn M. Holloway and Erich U. Petersen -- Thermal and chemical evolution of hydrothermal fluids at the Ophir Hill mine, Ophir District, Utah / Paula N. Wilson and W.T. Parry -- A history of uranium production in Utah / William L. Chenoweth -- Assessment and development of the saline resources of Sevier Lake, Millard County, Utah / J. Wallace Gwynn. (cont.) A preliminary resource assessment of clinoptilolite occurrences in the Tertiary Norwood Tuff near Mountain Green, Morgan County, Utah / Bryce T. Tripp and Bea H. Mayes -- Iterative modeling and imaging of seismic data in depth to help delineate petroleum reservoirs in the overthrust belt / Alvin K. Benson -- Magnetotelluric transect of the Sevier overthrust belt in southwestern Utah and eastern Nevada / Jeffrey M. Johnston and Phillip E. Wannamaker -- Resource maps of Utah / Hellmut H. Doelling and Roger L. Bon -- Utah Geological Association 1990 fall field trip / DeForrest Smouse.