Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Ectomycorrhizal DNA: Isolation, RFLPs, and Probe Hybridization. Book Chapter.
Author Rygiewicz, P. T. ; Armstrong, J. L. ;
CORP Author Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Dept. of Forest Science.;Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR.
Publisher 1990
Year Published 1990
Report Number EPA/600/D-90/017;
Stock Number PB90-220849
Additional Subjects Deoxyribonucleic acids ; Rhizobium ; Electrophoresis ; Ultraviolet spectroscopy ; Restriction fragment length polymorphism ; Fluorimetry ; Nucleic acid hybridization ; DNA probes ; Ethidium bromide ; Autoradiography
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB90-220849 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 60p
This is a new era for research in terrestrial ecology. As with diagnostics and research in medicine and forensics, molecular biology, the way the authors pose hypotheses, conceptualize experiments, and conduct research in rhizosphere ecology has been transformed. Many soil-borne organisms are morphologically indistinguishable, can change morphology from one sexual state to another, or are not culturable in vitro. These properties hinder the understanding of rhizosphere structure and function. Contemporary, molecular-based methods to isolate DNA from soil organisms will enhance the ability to track, identify and quantify individuals. The purpose of the chapter is to present a primer of basic methods that have direct application to recovery of DNA from mycorrhizal fungi in soils.