Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Preliminary Evaluation of a Modified NBS PM(10) Sampler for Indoor Particulate Measurements.
Author Howes, J. E. ; Vijayakumar, R. ; Doerfler, F. ; Burmann, F. J. ; Howard, F. S. ;
CORP Author Environmental Monitoring and Services, Inc., Newbury Park, CA. ;Esoteric Systems, Inc., Newbury Park, CA.;Environmental Monitoring Systems Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Year Published 1985
Report Number EPA-68-02-4084; EPA/600/4-85/057;
Stock Number PB85-247005
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Measurements ; Performance evaluation ; Modifications ; Air samplers ; Indoor air pollution ; Particulates ; NBS PM10 air sampler
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB85-247005 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 40p
Modifications have been made in the prototype NBS portable sampler to overcome several design flaws. The modifications included replacement of the case, redesign of the filter holder, and addition of a motor control circuit. Results obtained in a brief performance evaluation indicate that the modified sampler yields PM10 data comparable to that obtained with a conventional ambient-type dichotomous sampler. The battery pack (six 1.25V Ni-Cd D cells) used with the modified NBS sampler provides at least 24 hours of operation at a flow rate of 6 1pm. The constant current motor control circuit added to the sampler provides a very uniform flow rate (within + or - 5%) over a 24-hour sampling period. The circuit also automatically decouples the motor when the battery output drops below a voltage that delivers a flow rate of 6 1pm. The performance of an indoor air sampler developed by Harvard University was also evaluated in this study.