Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title AQUIRE: Aquatic Toxicity Information Retrieval Data Base.
Author Anderson, E. ; Pilli, A. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab.-Duluth, MN.
Publisher 13 Mar 89
Year Published 1989
Report Number EPA/DF/MT-89/031;
Stock Number PB89-170344
Additional Subjects Data file ; Aquatic plants ; Aquatic animals ; Toxicity ; Tests ; Fresh water biology ; Marine biology ; Magnetic tapes ; Aquatic organisms ; Organic chemicals industry ; Water pollution effects(Animals) ; Water pollution effects(Plants)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB89-170344 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation mag tape
The purpose of Aquatic Toxicity Information Retrieval (AQUIRE) data base is to provide scientists and managers quick access to a comprehensive, systematic, computerized compilation of aquatic toxicity data. Scientific papers published both nationally and internationally on the toxicity of chemicals to aquatic organisms and plants are collected and reviewed for AQUIRE. Independently compiled data files that meet AQUIRE parameter and quality assurance criteria are also included. Selected toxicity test results and related testing information for any individual chemical from laboratory and field aquatic toxicity tests are extracted and added to AQUIRE. Acute, sublethal and bioconcentration effects are included for tests with freshwater and marine organisms. The total number of data records in AQUIRE now equals 104,500. This includes data from 6000 references, for 5200 chemicals and 2400 test species. A major data file, Acute Toxicity of Organic Chemicals (ATOC), has been incorporated into AQUIRE. The ATOC file contains laboratory acute test data on 525 organic chemicals using juvenile fathead minnows. The complete data file can be accessed by requesting review code 5 as a search parameter.